DR S1-11

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Révision datée du 10 septembre 2024 à 12:58 par GRILLAT Karine (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec «  == Protection sociale - Fiche pratique S1-11 == == Objectif == Permettre de comprendre si les salariés de l'entreprise sont couverts par une protection sociale contre les pertes de revenus dues à des événements majeurs de la vie. == Éléments clés à inclure == # Déclaration générale #* Indiquer si tous les salariés sont couverts par une protection sociale # Événements majeurs de la vie couverts #* Maladie #* Chômage (dès le début de l'emploi)... »)
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Protection sociale - Fiche pratique S1-11


Permettre de comprendre si les salariés de l'entreprise sont couverts par une protection sociale contre les pertes de revenus dues à des événements majeurs de la vie.

Éléments clés à inclure

  1. Déclaration générale
    • Indiquer si tous les salariés sont couverts par une protection sociale
  2. Événements majeurs de la vie couverts
    • Maladie
    • Chômage (dès le début de l'emploi)
    • Accident du travail et handicap acquis
    • Congé parental
    • Départ à la retraite
  3. En cas de couverture incomplète
    • Lister les pays concernés
    • Pour chaque pays :Types de salariés non couverts
  4. Source de la protection
    • Programmes publics
    • Prestations proposées par l'entreprise
  5. Informations complémentaires (facultatif)
    • Données pour les non-salariés

Définition de la protection sociale

Mesures donnant accès aux soins de santé et à l'aide au revenu en cas d'événements de vie difficiles.

Points d'attention

  • Couvrir tous les types d'événements majeurs listés
  • Préciser si la couverture est assurée par l'État ou l'entreprise
  • Détailler les lacunes de couverture par pays et type de salarié
  • Expliquer les raisons des éventuelles différences de couverture
  • Considérer l'inclusion d'informations sur les non-salariés si pertinent
ID ESRS DR Paragraph Related AR Name Data Type Conditional or alternative DP May


Appendix B - ESRS 2

(SFDR + PILLAR 3 + Benchmark + CL)

Appendix C - ESRS 1

DPs subject to phasing-in provisions applicable to undertaking with less than 750 employees

Appendix C - ESRS 1

DPs subject to phasing-in provisions applicable to all undertakings

S1-11_01 S1 S1-11 74 a AR 75 All employees in own workforce are covered by social protection, through public programs or through benefits offered, against loss of income due to sickness semi-narrative 1 year 1 year
S1-11_02 S1 S1-11 74 b AR 75 All employees in own workforce are covered by social protection, through public programs or through benefits offered, against loss of income due to unemployment starting from when own worker is working for undertaking semi-narrative 1 year 1 year
S1-11_03 S1 S1-11 74 c AR 75 All employees in own workforce are covered by social protection, through public programs or through benefits offered, against loss of income due to employment injury and acquired disability semi-narrative 1 year 1 year
S1-11_04 S1 S1-11 74 d AR 75 All employees in own workforce are covered by social protection, through public programs or through benefits offered, against loss of income due to parental leave semi-narrative 1 year 1 year
S1-11_05 S1 S1-11 74 e AR 75 All employees in own workforce are covered by social protection, through public programs or through benefits offered, against loss of income due to retirement semi-narrative 1 year 1 year
S1-11_06 S1 S1-11 75, 76 AR 75 Social protection employees by country [table] by types of events and type of employees [including non employees] Table Conditional 1 year 1 year
S1-11_07 S1 S1-11 75 Disclosure of types of employees who are not covered by social protection, through public programs or through benefits offered, against loss of income due to sickness narrative Conditional 1 year 1 year
S1-11_08 S1 S1-11 75 Disclosure of types of employees who are not covered by social protection, through public programs or through benefits offered, against loss of income due to unemployment starting from when own worker is working for undertaking narrative Conditional 1 year 1 year
S1-11_09 S1 S1-11 75 Disclosure of types of employees who are not covered by social protection, through public programs or through benefits offered, against loss of income due to employment injury and acquired disability narrative Conditional 1 year 1 year
S1-11_10 S1 S1-11 75 Disclosure of types of employees who are not covered by social protection, through public programs or through benefits offered, against loss of income due to maternity leave narrative Conditional 1 year 1 year
S1-11_11 S1 S1-11 75 Disclosure of types of employees who are not covered by social protection, through public programs or through benefits offered, against loss of income due to retirement narrative Conditional 1 year 1 year